There are three threads on this topic now!
I heard the lawyer interviewed this morning by a Calgary talk show host. The laywer was asked if he was JW and refused to answer, saying it wasn't relevent. The lawer case is being built on the issue of a "mature minor". That is someone who is below the age of majority (18 in alberta) but is mature and knowledgeable enough to make decisions about her own body. There have been 2 cases of this already in Alberta, I believe, and in both cases the tranfusions were continued. I think there have been other caes with different issues such as abortion, where the teen was given the right to decide.
In 1995, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the state has the right to intervene in a parent's decision to stop a blood transfusion based on religious beliefs.
The father researched it, and found no Biblical basis for withholding blood. The Mom and daughter refused the transfusions. That poor Dad could probably use some moral support in this.
Perhaps someone who is knowledgable about the blood issue could contact the reporter from the local newspapers, the Calgary Herald and Calgary Sun, and the issue of there being supressed contoversy within the JW community should be brought forth.
This would be an opportune time for some publicity. It is a fairly big story here.{090E303C-0D94-41E8-AE3A-86A51A984E7E}